This is what you're made of [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

Make a difference again this week with your Changeletter!

Got this from a friend? Get your own copy of Soapbox Project's Changeletter here to overcome your climate anxiety while taking meaningful action in 3 minutes or less each week.

July 2024: water gaps

Each month, we break down our topic into four weekly modules. Catch up on previous editions here.

This week's module: WATCH

  • READ | Whats going on with water? (Catch up here)
  • 🎯 WATCH | An animated video on threats to the sacredness of water (7/10/24)
  • ACT | Water you gonna do?? Actions you can take about the water crisis (7/17/24)
  • REFLECT | Share your commitment to being a water protector (7/24/24)

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes for the action plan

Here's what we'll learn today Reader

Hey hey hey Reader❣️

It's PNW Climate Week where I live in Seattle, and so much is going on! I jumped in a lake with some climate cuties and it reminded me extra extra extra about the water gaps in the world and how grateful I am to live on the West Coast of the USA.

I'm going into the rest of this week with so much gratitude, while simultaneously feeling heartbroken about the heat-related deaths that we're seeing at unprecedented rates.

Water gaps feel SO important to talk about this week, and I'm curious to know what you're thinking about too.

In our WATCH module today, we're going to nourish our heated little souls with a beautiful story, We Are Water Protectors, so that we can be charged up for next week's ACT module.

Here are pics from PNW Climate Week -- specifically for our climate cuties event! TODAY at 4pm we have our eco-anxiety event -- come if you're in Seattle!

Your bite-sized action plan Reader

✅ find a buddy and WATCH this animated read aloud of We Are Water Protectors and buy a copy for a kiddo!

Today's action is simple AND fun, especially since last week's READ module was kinda depressing. We learned some really depressing facts like how almost 40% of the world lives in water scarcity... yikes.

So let's carve out a soft healing space right now with this video!

We Are Water Protectors is an incredible book written by Anishinaabe/Métis author Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade from the Kiks.ádi Clan. This book won a Caldecott Medal, so it's not just the Soapbox team that thinks it's awesome!

Take a couple minutes to find a quiet corner, grab a drink of your favorite beverage, and watch this video. Water scarcity and water gaps are harming us greatly, but WE can step up and be water protectors.

video preview

Some things that made the read aloud magical:

  • We come from water. This was such a beautiful way to open the story... we ARE water, mostly! So it's WAY more of a no-brainer to protect this sacred resource that flows through us for as long as we've been alive!
  • Stories are powerful salves. This story talks about a black snake whose venom burns through the land, making water unfit to drink. This can be a FAR more powerful image to evoke than talking about an oil pipeline. I got the heebie jeebies!!
  • We are all related, and water connects us all. You've gotta watch the video for how beautifully this one is articulated. I am SOOOO reinspired!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and that this will be a healing part of your day.

Next week, in our ACT module, we'll talk about how we can be water protectors!

Here's a link to buy We Are Water Protectors for your favorite kid (we won't tell the others;))



113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104
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Changeletter: fun bite-sized climate action plans

I run Soapbox Project, a friendly community for busy people to conquer their climate anxiety through a combination of personal responsibility, collective action, and fun. Sign up for our free bite-sized action plans (aka Changeletters) that I write every week!

Read more from Changeletter: fun bite-sized climate action plans
the this is fine dog meme

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Make a difference again this week with your Changeletter! Got this from a friend? Get your own copy of Soapbox Project's Changeletter here to overcome your climate anxiety while taking meaningful action in 3 minutes or less each week. August 2024: trees Each month, we break down our topic into four weekly modules. Catch up on previous editions here. This week's module: WATCH ✅ READ | Actually fun facts about trees and how magical they are ✅ WATCH | How trees talk to each other 🎯 ACT | Actions...