A love letter just for u [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

Make a difference again this week with your Changeletter!

Got this from a friend? Get your own copy of Soapbox Project's Changeletter here to overcome your climate anxiety while taking meaningful action in 3 minutes or less each week.

July 2024: water gaps

Each month, we break down our topic into four weekly modules. Catch up on previous editions here.

This week's module: REFLECT

  • READ | Whats going on with water? (Catch up here)
  • WATCH | An animated video on threats to the sacredness of water (Catch up here)
  • ACT | Water you gonna do?? Actions you can take about the water crisis (Catch up here)
  • 🎯 REFLECT | Share your commitment to being a water protector

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes for the action plan

Here's what we'll learn today Reader

Yoo sorry that this Changeletter is arriving so late in the day; I was distracted online by all the great Kamala Harris memes. (I don't want to talk about the other not-great stuff right now, let me have these memes PLEASE)

I believe that we're in a unique moment where people across the world are learning to recognize the power that each of us has. Whether it's student-led protests, corporate boycotts, or other actions, things are working. There seems to be a simultaneous reckoning that our existing systems aren't going to save us... but we can and will save each other. So your MAIN action for today is really to give someone a hug! Whether that's your partner or your pet or your favorite tree... remember, we're all in a group project to save the world right now.

Today's REFLECT module will wrap up our July Changeletter on water gaps and water scarcity, and we'll close out with some art and poetry.

Your bite-sized action plan Reader

✅ REFLECT on your commitment to being a water protector and by choosing one of these art pieces to ponder.

Submit your reflections + commitments here!

If you missed the last 3 modules on this topic, catch up here.

Last week, I nudged you to abolish your lawn, talk to a neighbor about their lawn, solve water leaks in your house, and more.

This week is about gratitude for the water we DO have; it's about leaning into our role as water protectors. I invite you to reflect in the following three ways (choose as many as you'd like):

Reflection #1: take three minutes to think about ways you do or don't take water for granted, after looking at these photos

Photographer Mustafah Abdulaziz captures the human side of climate change. This photo is from Bewatoo, Pakistan, where the journey to get water must be undertaken in extreme heat and can be up to three hours.

Reflection #2: draw a picture of you with something from nature that you would like to protect.

This reflection is from the We Are Water Protectors Activity Kit. In our WATCH module two weeks ago, we did a read-aloud together of that book, and now the author is inviting you to put yourself in the story.

Reflection #3: ponder "The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry

Here's a poem for you to hold onto. I think it will hold you back! 💚 This was like a love letter for my soul -

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

I hope you get to visit the place where YOU get to rest in the grace of the world. What a lovely time to be alive and to step up to our role as water protectors,


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104
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Changeletter: fun bite-sized climate action plans

I run Soapbox Project, a friendly community for busy people to conquer their climate anxiety through a combination of personal responsibility, collective action, and fun. Sign up for our free bite-sized action plans (aka Changeletters) that I write every week!

Read more from Changeletter: fun bite-sized climate action plans
the this is fine dog meme

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Make a difference again this week with your Changeletter! Got this from a friend? Get your own copy of Soapbox Project's Changeletter here to overcome your climate anxiety while taking meaningful action in 3 minutes or less each week. August 2024: trees Each month, we break down our topic into four weekly modules. Catch up on previous editions here. This week's module: REFLECT ✅ READ | Actually fun facts about trees and how magical they are ✅ WATCH | How trees talk to each other ✅ ACT |...

Make a difference again this week with your Changeletter! Got this from a friend? Get your own copy of Soapbox Project's Changeletter here to overcome your climate anxiety while taking meaningful action in 3 minutes or less each week. August 2024: trees Each month, we break down our topic into four weekly modules. Catch up on previous editions here. This week's module: WATCH ✅ READ | Actually fun facts about trees and how magical they are ✅ WATCH | How trees talk to each other 🎯 ACT | Actions...